The birth of the litter N - photos from the second week
17.04.2015r. tricolor puppies were born (three females and one male). Their parents are Ginevra Celtic Lisia Przełęcz (mother) and Idol Eonium (father).
Photos of parents and their pedigrees are aviable in section "Our Cavaliers".
On 16.01.2018r. two puppies were born (blenheim male and female). Their parents are: Havana z Rawickich Nizin (mother) and Us z Rawickich Nizin (father).
On 16.01.2018r. six puppies were born (two males - blenheim and tricolor and four females - two blenheim and two tricolor). Their parents are: Nela z Rawickich Nizin (mother) and Zefir Uczniowski Kaprys (father).